In a game like Red Dead Redemption 2, horses play a really important role not just in traveling from point A to point B, but also in using their abilities in order to progress through the game easier. Since we are talking about one of the most realistic games ever created, it is obvious to expect many different horse characteristics ...
Secure. Contain. Protect. – That is the motto of the secretive organization called the SCP Foundation lives by. The SCP stands for “Special Containment Procedure” wherein it captures and studies various beings related to the paranormal, supernatural, and anomalies within their numerous hidden and restricted sites across the globe. The organization named the beings it encountered as “SCP” followed by a ...
The Streets of Tarkov map was introduced in the update 0.13.5 of August 2023 and featured a large, partially ruined city map that introduced the first non-player-used vehicle in the form of an armored personnel carrier (APC) that can ferry players from one side of the map to another in relative safety. This map challenges the players about their ...