The Streets of Tarkov map was introduced in the update 0.13.5 of August 2023 and featured a large, partially ruined city map that introduced the first non-player-used vehicle in the form of an armored personnel carrier (APC) that can ferry players from one side of the map to another in relative safety.
This map challenges the players about their gameplay tactics and their close-quarter combat (CQC) skills as map knowledge for this map is less useful (except for spawn point locations) due to the number of possible entry and exit points for both players and their enemies.
Map Design and Description
First off, this map is noticeably dividable into six (6) major zones within its borders, which are the following:
- The Concordia/Construction Site zone is located on the southwest side of the bottom portion of the map.
- The Old Factory/Rodina Cinema zone is located on the southeast side of the bottom portion of the map, adjacent to the zone mentioned above.
- Pinewood Hotel/City Center zone, located on the central southeast side of the map, just below Klimov Street, is one of the major roads intersecting the whole map.
- Klimov Shopping Mall zone, located on the right upper southeast side of the map, is near both Klimov Street and Primorsky Avenue, where the main road intersection is located.
- Cardinal Apartments/City Expo zone, located on the left upper southwest side of the map, is adjacent to both the Klimov Shopping Mall zone and the Post Office/Residential zone.
- Post Office/Residential zone, located on the central southwest side of the map, wherein the location of the old SCAV/APC spawn point was located.
As previously mentioned, two main roads cross the map: Klimov Street (running horizontally) and Primorsky Avenue (running vertically).
The southern part of the map has more side roads than the northern part. These roads connect the city center to smaller and private roads within each zone.
In addition to the surface-level routes, several subterranean and basement levels connect different zones, allowing players to traverse them. Various buildings, though limited, can also be entered and used as hiding spots or sniping positions.
Map Spawn Points
Initially, the Streets of Tarkov map had 27 spawn points, with some located inside buildings or underground basements, mostly around the outskirts of the city.
After several patches and redesigns, the map now has 39 spawn points, more evenly distributed across the six major zones. Previously, areas like the Klimov Shopping Mall and Cardinal Apartments/City Expo zones had fewer spawn points, creating challenges for players.
Understanding where to spawn and how to safely exit your spawn point are crucial strategies for surviving longer on this map.
Map Features
Just like any other map in the game, the Streets of Tarkov map hosts several features like loot locations and bosses. Aside from those major features, there are some other features that a player should know about when playing through this particular map.
Mounted Stationary Weapons
There are two types of stationary mounted weapons that any player can use: AGS-30 30x29mm automatic grenade launchers, which are highly effective when used correctly, and NSV “Utyos” 12.7×108 heavy machine guns, which can easily mow down enemies.
These weapons are primarily found in The Concordia/Construction Site zone, particularly in and around the LexOs car dealership, which serves as a stronghold for the map’s boss, Kaban.
Be aware that several areas of the map, especially around Kaban’s base, are filled with claymores. Additionally, Border Snipers ensure that no player can leave the map without using the extraction points.
BTR-82A Patrol
This map features an APC taxi service using a BTR-82A equipped with a 30mm 2A42 Autocannon, capable of quickly dispatching enemies. Players can use the service to safely travel anywhere on the map.
The BTR-82A can transport up to 4 players at a time, with costs varying based on faction, Scav karma, Charisma level, and distance.
The APC becomes hostile only if attacked first or when another player purchases the “Covering Fire” service, or if the player is a traitorous Scav. The “Covering Fire” service provides temporary protection, making the BTR-82A hostile to enemies until the player is dropped off, at which point it returns to neutral.
BTR-82A Patrol Stop Locations
Currently, the BTR taxi service offers six (6) pick-up/drop-off locations (the yellow spots with red text in the image above) within the map, which are the following:
- City Center
- Collapsed Crane
- Old Scav Checkpoint
- Pinewood Hotel
- Rodina Cinema
- Tram
The BTR-82A will stop for two minutes for each stop and will honk twice ten seconds before leaving the stop.
BTR-82A Item Extraction
Finally, the BTR taxi service also offers an item extraction service that can be accessed through the BTR-82A’s trunk. The trunk size depends on the player’s Scav karma, and the items extracted from this service will arrive at the player’s mail after an hour in-game time.
Map Bosses
The map features two bosses: Kaban and Kollontay.
Kaban is located at the LexOs car dealership in The Concordia/Construction Site zone. He wields weapons like the Kalashnikov PKM and PKP 7.62x54R machine guns or the RPK-16 5.45×39 light machine gun, depending on where he spawns. He is protected by bodyguards Gus and Basmach, along with 2 to 3 snipers and four heavily armed guards.
Kollontay is a roaming boss who can appear at either Klimov Shopping Mall or the Ministry of the Interior Academy. He carries a PR-Taran Police Baton, a Kalashnikov AKMN 7.62×39 assault rifle, and a Lebedev PL-15 9×19 pistol, aside from other weapons. His guards are equipped with submachine guns, shotguns, and both frag and flash grenades. Approach both bosses with caution.
Extraction Points
There are 17 extraction points that a player can use to exit the map once their objective has been completed (i.e. loot hunting or quest cleared, etc.) or if they simply just want to leave the map altogether.
Do take note that some specific extraction locations have certain requirements to be used, just like in any map in the game.
Basement Descent
Faction: Scav
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Cardinal Apartment Complex Parking
Faction: Scav
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Collapsed Crane
Faction: PMC
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Faction: PMC
Always Available: No
Single Use: No
Requirements: Green flare to open
Notes: None
Crash Site
Faction: PMC
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Damaged House
Faction: PMC
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Entrance to Catacombs
Faction: Scav
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Expo Checkpoint
Faction: PMC
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Klimov Shopping Mall Exfil
Faction: Scav
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: First floor, eastern entrance.
Klimov Street
Faction: PMC
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: Shoot a green flare inside the flare area; the flare must reach a certain height to open. Only one person needs to shoot the flare from a group.
Notes: Notification will appear when inside the signal flare area.
Near Kamchatskaya Arch
Faction: Scav
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: Inside the courtyard of the museum building.
Pinewood Basement (Co-Op)
Faction: All
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: Scav + PMC
Notes: Accessible via the northeastern staircase of Pinewood Hotel.
Primorsky Ave Taxi V-Ex
Faction: PMC
Always Available: No
Single Use: Yes
Requirements: 5000 rubbles per player, up to 4 players
Notes: Fee depends on Scav karma; border snipers beyond the vehicle.
Sewer Manhole
Faction: Scav
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Sewer River
Faction: PMC
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
Stylobate Building Elevator
Faction: PMC
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: 3rd floor, behind the bar of the Beluga restaurant.
Ventilation Shaft
Faction: Scav
Always Available: Yes
Single Use: No
Requirements: None
Notes: None
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